Science Castle in Asia 2024 Application form


A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you entered. Please confirm the contents entered from the link in the email and enter the applicant information to complete the application.



Please enter the number in 8 digits. (Example: If you were born on June 14, 2002: 20020614)
Insert N/A if not applicable"
If you are a student, please write "student".

2. Presenter Name

3. Team Members

*Teachers will enter all the team members' names here, separated by a comma ','

4. Abstract Information

※Multiple selection: select +[Command] for Mac, or +[Ctrl] for Win
Please enter if you selected "Others (free description)" in the category.
Please describe the reason why the presenter was interested in the theme, his/her past efforts, and his/her own interesting points in 100 words.
Please share an abstract of your research in 100 words or less. Briefly summarize the purpose, hypothesis, results, and discussion of your research to convey the most important aspects of your study.
【Research Activities】Please enter the purpose, the background, and the hypothesis of the research to be presented.
【Development Activities】Please describe the purpose, background and hypothesis of the research to be presented in approximately 200 words
【Research Activities】Please describe the materials and methods used in the research in 100 words.
【Development Activities】Please enter an outline of the development process and the innovations made in 100 words.
【Research Activities】Please enter the results of your research in 100 words. If your research is currently underway, please state so and enter the expected outcome.
【Development Activities】Please enter the features and advantages of the product in 100 words. If the product is currently under development, please state so and enter the expected features of the product.
【Research Activities】Please enter a 100 word discussion from the results of your research. If your research is currently underway, please discuss the expected outcomes.
【Development Activities】Please enter the future prospects and recommendations based on the results of the development in 100 words. If currently under development, please enter what you envision from the expected outcomes.
What is the novelty of your research? Specifically, please list previous and similar research, including books, articles, etc. Peer-reviewed articles, academic books, and public reports are preferred, but other sources should also be listed if available. Please include information that identifies the literature, such as title (book title), year of publication, pages, author's name, URL, etc.

5. Others

6. Consent to photograph on the day of the event

The videos and photos taken will be used for future references and promotional materials on the website, SNS, for event announcements, etc.
If the entered email address is not registered with Leave a Nest ID, Leave a Nest ID will be registered when the confirmation email is sent. ( What is LNestID? )